
在《我的世界》(Minecraft)中,“夜视”(Night Vision)是一种效果,可以让玩家在黑暗环境中看得更清楚,以下是一些关于夜视效果的英文信息:

Night Vision Effect in Minecraft



Night Vision is a status effect that allows players to see better in dark areas. This effect is particularly useful in caves, at night, or in other low-light environments.

How to Obtain:

1、Potion of Night Vision: Players can brew a potion of night vision using a brewing stand. The ingredients required are:

1 water bottle

1 nether wart

1 golden carrot

2、Enchanted Items: Some items, such as the Night Vision enchantment on a helmet, can provide night vision. However, this enchantment is not available in the base game and requires mods or custom maps.



The duration of the night vision effect depends on the potion used:

A regular potion of night vision lasts for 3 minutes (180 seconds).

An extended potion of night vision lasts for 8 minutes (480 seconds).


There are no levels for the night vision effect; it is a binary effect that is either on or off.


The night vision effect does not stack with itself. If you drink another potion of night vision while the effect is already active, the duration will not be extended.



The night vision effect is compatible with other effects and can be combined with other potions for added benefits. For example, combining night vision with water breathing can be very useful for exploring underwater caves.

Usage Tips:

Always carry a few potions of night vision when venturing into dark areas.

Use night vision strategically to avoid hostile mobs that spawn in the dark.

Combine night vision with other beneficial effects for maximum efficiency.

By understanding and utilizing the night vision effect, players can explore the darker areas of Minecraft more safely and effectively.

